Wednesday, October 21, 2020

How they do grow!

Last month, a couple of crabs the size of sand grains came to live and dig in my aquarium. I see them occasionally, digging their little caves under a rock, under the moon snail shell, under an old limpet shell. Each time, they seem to be bigger.

One decided to dig right next to the glass wall, and I was able to get a photo. He's about 3 millimetres across the carapace now.

Definitely bigger than a sand grain.

He's very orange, and his patterns are different than those of the other crabs. Maybe the colour will change as he grows.

One of the tiniest hermits, huge beside the mini-crab, hung upside-down on the tip of an old eelgrass blade, showing me his blue knees and the teeth on his pincers.

The eelgrass blade, near the tip, is about 7 mm. wide.


Hace un mes dos cangrejitos, el tamaño de un grano de arena, vinieron a vivir en mi acuario. Los veo de vez en cuando, haciendo sus cuevitas debajo de una roca, de la concha de caracol luna, de una concha de lapa. Cada vez, están más grandes. Crecen rapidamente.

Uno empezó una cueva justo enfrente del vidrio, así que pude sacar una foto. Ahora mide aproximadamente 3 mm. a lo ancho del caparazón. Es de un color muy anaranjado, y sus diseños son diferentes que los de los otros cangrejos. Tal vez el color cambie mientras crece.

Uno de los ermitaños más pequeños, pero todavía enorme al lado del cangrejito, se colgó de la punta de una hoja de hierba "Zostera", que mide a esa altura unos 7 mm. de ancho, y me mostró sus rodillas azules y los dientes en su quelípodo.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing, the amount of diversity in juvenile crab colour. I've seen completely white ones before. I wonder whether they'll turn into purple or green shore crabs. It's neat how their colour changes as they mature.


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