Monday, May 18, 2020

Shy stonecrops

At an open spot along the road I was exploring, I came across a large clump of tallish stonecrops.

About 6 inches tall, all with bowed heads.

New plants, a couple or three inches tall. The hairy red stem on the right is the base of a herb Robert plant.

One stalk, tipped to show the flower buds.

I think these are probably lance-leaved stonecrop, Sedum lanceolatum. If so, they will have yellow flowers. I brought home two stalks, and they are now sitting with their roots in water.


En un espacio al lado de mi camino, encontré un grupo de plantas suculentas, como de 15 cm. de alto, todos los de tamaño grande con las cabezas inclinadas.

Creo que son "stonecrop" de hojas de lance, o sea Sedum lanceolatum. Si es así, tendrán flores amarillas. Me traje dos tallos, con sus raices, a casa y los puse en agua. Ojalá den flores.


  1. So the heads dip when they are about to flower? Is that the case with all stonecrops or just this kind? Stonecrops were familiar to me when I lived in Dorset but I realise I haven't noticed any since I've lived in Halifax (West Yorkshire). Sometime in the (receding into the further distance) future when I'm 'allowed' out and about again, I'll have to see if that applies only to my immediate locality or whether there are different versions on the moors.

    1. I don't really know. I'll have to find more, and see what they're doing. There are two different varieties even of this species here on the island, plus other species.


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