Sunday, March 15, 2020

Icing sugar flowers

I was prowling in the little forest at Oyster Bay, going slow, bending down, watching the sides of the trail, looking for mosses and mushrooms. If I had been going any faster, I don't think I would have seen these flowers; they looked like a dusting of icing sugar on the ground. Even down on my knees, I could not distinguish their shapes. The camera sees better, but I wished I was carrying my macro lens. So tiny!

4 2-lobed petals, a yellow centre, and stalks as thin as hairs. Draba verna, I think.

Cropped from the photo above, showing a seed, or seed pod.

D. verna has the unique trait of bifid petals, not found anywhere else in the genus Draba. (Wikipedia)

A wider view.


Estaba buscando hongos y musgos en el bosquecito en Oyster Bay, examinando el suelo a mis pies y al lado de la vereda. Aún así apenas noté estas flores; tan pequeñitas que más bien parecían azúcar glas espolvoreado. Ni de rodillas pude ver claras las flores; la cámara tiene mejores ojos que yo.

Tienen 4 pétalos, divididos cada uno en dos, centros amarillos, y tallos tan delicados que parecen hilitos. Hacen semillas más grandes que las flores, gorditas. Creo que son de la familia de las mostazas, Draba verna.


  1. My favorite spring flower.

  2. Anonymous3:06 pm

    So lovely and delicate. Beautiful.


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