They fly, and they float. And sometimes they make an awful racket. Must be waterfowl.
Harbour Air floatplane, taxiing into the dock at Tyee Spit. |
Vancouver Island Air Otter, about to splash down, Tyee Spit. These little birds serve work sites and residents from Campbell River north to Bella Bella. |
Getting ready to take off. They have to line up with the wind, the waves, the fast tidal currents. Each flight starts from a different spot. Quadra Island in the background |
Across the island, on the west coast, at Gold River. Nootka Air has been serving settlements up and down the coast since 1981. |
I've noticed that our local estuary sleepers, the gulls and ducks, accept these little flyers as one of their peer group; they don't even bother lifting their heads when one goes by.
"...peer group." Charming mental image.