Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sleeping with his eyes open

The moth and beetle control worker signed off at 1:30 AM, found himself a quiet ledge, and took a long, refreshing nap.

He's two inches long. He didn't wake up when I measured him.

2:40 AM. Time to wake up and go back to work.

That round blob is spider poop. It wasn't there while he slept.


  1. gosh will she come to my house and work. I am over-run by carpet beetles

  2. Poop the size of a dime?? Maybe that's the size of her body....

    1. You're right. It had a pattern on it, and reminded me of a dime. And then I was too sleepy to pay attention to what I was writing. Long day.
      I've deleted that bit from the post. Thank you.

  3. I think that's a male. Enlarged pedipalps.

    1. Yes, I just compared to species, and you're right.


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