Tuesday, March 22, 2016


The daytime tides are getting lower these days; today a large expanse of barnacled stones was open to the sky. A pair of oystercatchers dawdled there, happily collecting limpets and unwary clams, chattering all the while.

"Wonderful menu at this joint!"

"Have you tried the mussels? Delish!"

Like good friends in a favourite restaurant, they spent more time talking than eating. "Whee! Whee! Whee!"

Black Oystercatchers from Alaska to about Oregon are entirely black, but southward from there birds show increasing amounts of white feathers and browner (less black) abdomens. (Cornell)

1 comment:

  1. Their beaks look so unnaturally big and orange, not to mention the rings around their eyes.. - Margy


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