The old, familiar places ... We're in Campbell River, in the same motel we've stayed in twice before, settled in as though we had never left.
After a long, hot day, breakfast at the ferry landing in Tsawwassen, lunch at an unnamed beach just out of Qualicum, antiquing near Bowser, an accident in Union Bay ( Laurie gashed his leg badly on the car door, and I had somehow left the first aid kit at home) and a forced stop in Courtenay to buy bandages, it was so heartening to see the familiar names slip by: Black Creek, Miracle Beach, Oyster Bay; delights to look forward to this week. And then, supper at "home", and afterwards, a limp down to the cliff top to watch the sun go down, as usual.
Misty blues of sky, water, and hydrangea. |
Black treetops against a patchy, streaky sky |
Multi-hued clouds |
I never tire of this view; "our" snag, the curving coastline, and layers of pale blue mountains. |
We sat on a bench watching for a long time, just listening to the silence; a whisper of breeze in the evergreens, a murmur of waves on the beach; nothing more. Heaven!
One other event in the day; we passed a pod of orcas in mid-channel, too far away to see more than moving black spots, but the camera has better eyes, even through dirty ferry windows.
Orca and marker float. No, he's not playing with it. |
Skywatch post.
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