Monday, February 04, 2008

Blog Housekeeping day

I've been working on the innards of the blog today, updating, tidying, monkey-wrenching. The "house" is a mess, and I've got my hands full of tools.

So, no pics today. Why don't you go on over to Andrea's place, instead; she's hosting the 29th Circus of the Spineless, and she's got all kinds of goodies for visitors. There's a post on finding ant nests with Google Earth, and a great soup recipe that nobody wants to try, on Snail's Tales.

Well, it's back to work for me. Come on back tomorrow; I'll have the kettle on.

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I'm having to moderate all comments because Blogger seems to have a problem notifying me. Sorry about that. I will review them several times daily, though, until this issue is fixed.

Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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