Saturday, November 17, 2007

Train, a bug's eye view

While we were at the White Rock beach two trains went by. I was caught by the first one at the top of a difficult, hands-and-toes climb up to the tracks; with barely a foot of room beside the tracks, I decided to scramble down a couple of feet and lie low. So here I am, at wheel level and meter or so away. Noisy!


  1. It's hard not to photograph a train! Nice pics but your poor ears ... I imagine it was some noisy.

  2. Wow! Can you hear today? Those are awesome pictures.

  3. Hello? Jean? Write louder; I can't hear you!


    Not really, I recovered, thank you.


I'm having to moderate all comments because Blogger seems to have a problem notifying me. Sorry about that. I will review them several times daily, though, until this issue is fixed.

Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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