Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Aftermath of a Windstorm

... At least, that was what I was planning to blog about. Death and destruction, on a miniature scale.

I'm leaving that aside for now; the "real thing", in human scale, is in the news. Go read.

Chris Mooney's blog is following the story closely: Time to Panic over Cyclone Sidr, and Preparing for Sidr from the other Side of the World are the two latest posts. (As of 6:00 PM PST)

Greg Laden has more: Hundreds of Thousands of People May Die Tomorrow Afternoon in Hurricane. "A Category 4 hurricane/cyclone is about to plow into what might be the most vulnerable place on the earth..."

CNN, inexplicably, has not carried the story yet. But it is up on CBC (Canada).

From the comments on The Intersection: "Nearly 10 million Bangladeshis live in vulnerable points along the coast, but there are storm shelters for only half a million people".

I will get back to our local storm and its ravages anon.


  1. Thanks for that. I was about to leave a note about your previous post about the decorative kale and the really cool picture of the ship, etc. ...

    I went beyond the links you provided and found that BBC and Al Jazeera also have no mention of it.

    What must it be like for you and everyone you know to live not only below high water, but also below the rest of the world's radar?



  2. Not even BBC? Incredible!

    But let some cloned "celebrity" sneeze, and watch the media storm.

    Sometimes I wonder if I'm on the right planet...


I'm having to moderate all comments because Blogger seems to have a problem notifying me. Sorry about that. I will review them several times daily, though, until this issue is fixed.

Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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