Monday, October 15, 2007

Strathcona gardens in October colours

Strathcona, on the edge of downtown Vancouver, never fails to charm. It has a ragged, unpretentious beauty no matter what the weather.

So when my daughter hosts a party, we come early, to take a stroll down the street and see what we might see. Here is her street, in its October outfit.

Hydrangea, the flowers fading, but the leaves picking up the lost colours.

An oak. Speckled leaves, spotty trunk.

The spiders pick up the same colour scheme, browns and yellows. These beauties were all over, on every bush, it seemed. I missed seeing a web and walked right through it; the first I knew, here was this big guy hiking up my blouse. I must confess I yelped as I flicked him off.

I'm not sure what they are: they and their webs look like the cross spiders of Delta, but the markings seem slightly different. And they are quite a bit bigger than most of ours.

Another kind of web, holding tall Roma tomato plants.

Dahlia. And fly.

McLean Park; fallen leaves and long shadows.

A small aster at curbside.

Back in my daughter's house: a last look at the street, reflected in her front door.

A corner of the upstairs balcony.

Drying hydrangeas, on a side table.

Strathcona is an artist's colony: every front door and window is an adventure, nothing "behaves itself". Not even the wiring:

Tomorrow, I'll post photos of some of those doors and windows.


  1. That was a beautiful set of pics.Seems wires everywhere have runners attached!

  2. Thanks, Jean. I love this season of the year!

    I noticed your wood-piling posts; how they brought back memories! I may post one of my old poems about the topic, just because you reminded me.


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