Sunday, May 27, 2007

Mobile homes, of a different sort

Living in a tidal community has unique challenges. Things don't stay put. Floors slant off in odd directions, according to the time of day and season of the year. Unanchored items, left on solid ground in the morning, may have just floated away by mid-afternoon. Even your house might up and leave in the spring, when tides run high: I have seen this happen.

In Finn Slough, the effect is multiplied by the narrowness of the waterway. Houses anchored side by side may tip in opposite directions. Walkways twist and gap. Steps down become steps up. Boats lie like logs on a beach, wherever the water left them.

Houses and sheds built on pilings stay at a permanent level, more or less horizontal. Only more or less, because over the years, currents have pulled and pushed at those pilings, yanked them out of plumb.
The blue shed is fairly recent and on pilings.
Detail of a shed up against the bank.Ancient pilings and sagging platforms.

One handy thing about living almost on the water; boats can be parked at your doorstep.

The little dock will float when the tide comes in. So will the boat.The Mermaid III. Unlikely to be putting to sea anytime soon, I think.

And one unhandy thing: you won't have a garden, unless you put it on a float. Or hang pots off your crowded deck.
Pansy, anchor, fishnets and raingear.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:52 pm

    I am enjoying reading about Finn Slough and seeing these pictures. These are again unique and unusual pictures Wanderin'Weeta. Really liked the whole story on Finn Slough.


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