Last Sunday, I wrote about the mushrooms we had seen at Chase, a few years back, after the rains started. So now London Drugs is having a sale: orders of 12 photos or more uploaded to the internet are FREE! I don't know what got into them; there seems to be no per-customer limit, no "with purchase" qualification. And up to the 15th of this month. I asked; they encouraged me to bring in 3 or 4 batches a day.
So Laurie has dug into the cabinet of photos from that year, and pulled out a stack of negatives; maybe we'll manage to get that whole "working vacation" onto the web before they lower the boom.
Here is the first installment; a collection of mushrooms from the second week of September, 2004.
Shaggy mane. Good eating, but very short-lived. Notice the two taller mushrooms; they would be from the day before, already turned mostly black and deliquescing. (Liquifying; self-digesting.) The tiny brown balls on the ground behind are puffballs.

I've always been amazed by the variety of mushrooms that grows here. I had never seen a Shaggy Mane before we moved to the northwest.