Saturday, April 07, 2007

Mushrooms from Chase, BC

Last Sunday, I wrote about the mushrooms we had seen at Chase, a few years back, after the rains started. So now London Drugs is having a sale: orders of 12 photos or more uploaded to the internet are FREE! I don't know what got into them; there seems to be no per-customer limit, no "with purchase" qualification. And up to the 15th of this month. I asked; they encouraged me to bring in 3 or 4 batches a day.

So Laurie has dug into the cabinet of photos from that year, and pulled out a stack of negatives; maybe we'll manage to get that whole "working vacation" onto the web before they lower the boom.

Here is the first installment; a collection of mushrooms from the second week of September, 2004.

Shaggy mane. Good eating, but very short-lived. Notice the two taller mushrooms; they would be from the day before, already turned mostly black and deliquescing. (Liquifying; self-digesting.) The tiny brown balls on the ground behind are puffballs.
More puffballs. Near Chase Creek, under the conifers, the ground was covered with these. And the whole area smelled of them; earthy, a bit nutty.
I don't know for sure what these are. Gilled mushrooms, fairly large, with a slimy concave top.

Tiny brown and reddish mushrooms along a wet log. Notice the coral mushrooms on the ground at lower right. And a ripe puffball underneath the log, ready to pop at the first drop of rain.
And more coral mushrooms. These were also plentiful.
Tomorrow's photos: a few more mushrooms, an osprey nest with young, great scenery, and samfire. Y'all come back!

1 comment:

  1. I've always been amazed by the variety of mushrooms that grows here. I had never seen a Shaggy Mane before we moved to the northwest.


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