Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Weather blogging

Bev, over at Burning Silo, has a good post on changes she has observed in her Ontario weather. She writes, after a description of the unusually warm winter:

Anyhow, all of this to say that, I think it’s good to be talking about the weather. That’s what people used to do in the good old days before they started spending so much time indoors. Maybe it’s time we started paying more attention to what’s going on outside in the real world. After all, that’s where our food, water and air come from - much as we might like to think we’re self-contained space-age units. In the comments that follow Wayne’s post on weather trends for my area, he wrote:
What I’d really like to see is every “nature blogger”, and we cover quite a swath, do a simple analysis like this and post it. No, I’m not going to hold my breath, but it would certainly be an improvement on shaky anecdotal memories. Just imagine - a dozen, a hundred! bloggers all posting climate change in their own territories, and then being able to use their own discoveries, as well as pointing to others, when they scream at their representatives in whatever legislative body that something must be done.

I agree. I have done my own share of weird weather blogging on the old blog, here, here, here, and here . And on this blog, I posted photos of our freak snowstorm, something extremely unusual for this area.

(And what's this about Carribean North? Read about it on Journeys with Jood.)

I like the idea of a "Weather Bloggers' Network", linking together those that Bev has referenced in her post (read it all; some good links, too) and the rest of us who sometimes look out our windows.

And by the way, it's snowing again. All morning today. And the snow hadn't even melted since the last time!

And the varied thrush are back again. I'll try to get a photo.


  1. Anonymous11:32 am

    Thanks for calling attention to the weather post on my blog, susannah. If anyone reading this is interested in weather blogging, definitely drop by at either Wayne's or my blog and leave a message. If there's enough interest, we may be able to get something going

  2. Susannah, thanks for the link. I am just stunned at the arrogance of the Bush administration as they madly pursue oil domination. We have to make major changes; the window of opportunity to reverse global warming is shrinking. We have to make change.

  3. Jood;
    "I am just stunned at the arrogance of the Bush administration as they madly pursue oil domination."

    It's more than arrogance; it's as if they firmly believed that there is no tomorrow. (No kids, no grandkids in the lot of them?)

    Short-term gain overrides long-term catastrophe, in their playpen.


I'm having to moderate all comments because Blogger seems to have a problem notifying me. Sorry about that. I will review them several times daily, though, until this issue is fixed.

Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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