Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Fresh digs

 In Brown's Bay I walked around the store and restaurant, both closed, looking at the eaves. Looking for swallow nests. And there was one, fresh and new, with a feather peeping over the edge. No sign of swallows, though.

This year's model, clean, with no spatters on the wall, no droppings underneath.

It's still early in the year. I checked my files for previous years. In mid-May of 2020, I found nests with a mess around and underneath them, and swallows dashing back and forth, but there was no sign of chicks.

May 19. No chicks, or just tiny chicks?

The first week of June, 2019, I found several messy nests, with busy parents and hungry chicks begging for food.

June 7. With chicks.

Checking web sites, I see that in southern Canada, the breeding season starts at the beginning of May (we may be a bit earlier this year), the female lays from 3 to 8 eggs, and then incubates them for 12 to 17 days (AllAboutBirds). And the chicks are ready to leave the nest anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks later.

I'll go back to see how they're getting on in a couple or three weeks.


Mientras estaba en Brown's Bay, di vuelta a la tienda y el restaurante, mirando los aleros del techo, buscando nidos de golondrinas. Y Hubo uno, nuevecito, limpio, decorado con una pluma blanca. Pero no vi ninguna golondrina.

Foto: el nido nuevo

Todavía estamos a principios de la temporada. Busqué en mis fotos de años anteriores. A mediados de mayo de 2019, encontré un nido, no tan limpio, pero sin señales de crías. Pero los adultos iban y venían, muy ocupados.

Foto: nido, mayo de 2019. Con huevos, o tal vez con crías nuevas.

La primera semana de junio de 2020, encontré varios nidos, todos ocupados, todos con los adultos trayendo comida para sus polluelos.

Foto: nido, 7 de junio, con cría.

Mirando sitios web, veo que aquí en el sur de Canadá, la temporada empieza al principio de mayo — el cambio de clima puede haber adelantado esta fecha — la hembra pone de 3 a 8 huevos, y luego los incuba por de 12 a 17 dias. Y las golondrinitas están listas para dejar el nido en un tiempo que puede variar de quince dias hasta un mes.

Regresaré para ver como les va en unas dos o tres semanas.


  1. I like to watch nests!

  2. Do you have a way of rigging up a camera (undoubtedly wrapped in plastic) before the parents arrive to catch the babies' growth?

    1. No, because this is not my home, but a marina office in Brown's Bay.. Good idea, though! I wonder if I could pass it on to them.


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Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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