Friday, April 24, 2020


Sword ferns (Polystichum munitum) are evergreen and sturdy, although they do flatten out somewhat during the winter, and the outer leaves may die. In the spring, curly new leaves sprout rapidly from the centre, orange-brown at first, turning green as they open up.

New sword fern leaves, about 8 inches tall.


Los helechos espada son perennes y fuertes. Crecen en la sombra de bosques, especialmente donde no falta el agua. Siguen verdes todo el invierno, aunque se aplastan un poco, y las hojas exteriores pueden morir. En la primavera, nuevas hojas grandes brotan desde el centro de la planta. Tienen un color café anaranjado al principio; al extenderse completamente, se vuelven verdes.


  1. I've always found ferns interesting, but we don't get Sword Ferns here.

    1. It's a west coast species. I think the climate's a bit too harsh out east where you are.


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