Saturday, November 30, 2019

Winter warmth

And it's December already. And winter is upon us. I saw thick ice on roadside puddles here in town today; lawns are frosted white; my nasturtium plant, that yesterday was stretching out new leaves to the sun, lies dead. I brought in my potted succulents, too late to save one.

We get 8 hours of daylight now, bright, cold daylight. And clear skies in the long night, with sparkling stars overhead and Christmas lights on house fronts.

Longjohns and tuque weather. A good time to look at old photos from warmer days.

October hydrangeas, half dried. With maple "wings".

And with stink bug with orange rim spots. Holcotethus sp.

1 comment:

  1. We ran away in our RV for sun and brought rain and snow with us, well at least snow in the mountains. We are trying to stay down low here in Central California. Will head down to Los Angeles next week and wrap the trip up in mid-December. Hopefully there will be some more sun before we get back to a chilly home up the lake. - Margy


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