Hidden beneath a flower head, I discovered a sowbug.
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Philoscia muscorum, the Fast woodlouse. Well named. |
Moving the stem around to get a better view of him, I knocked him out onto the table, and he took off running, much faster than any sowbug I've seen before. I chased him down, trapped him, and took a batch of photos, then searched BugGuide. He's a European import, and, while he's built like the sowbugs I see every day (aka woodbugs, pill bugs, roly-polies, etc.), he doesn't act at all like one.
First, he runs. Fast. "Our" woodbugs trundle along slowly enough for me to go for a pill bottle and come back, and still find them on their way to shelter.
Second, he "hides" in the first available shadow he finds. He freezes there, and takes quite a bit of nudging before he realizes he can really still be seen. The usual woodbugs here keep on going until they're invisible.
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Fast woodlouse "hiding". |
Next, if you flip him on his back, he lies there, playing dead. The other woodbugs either roll into a ball (pillbugs, Armadillidium vulgare), or wave their 14 legs frantically in the air until they manage to right themselves again.
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Not so fast, any more. Playing dead. |
And last, he and his family live in plants, rather than under some shelter at ground level. This one was on yellow dead nettle; one on BugGuide was found in a rosebush.
In one way, he acts like the others; once he's found a safe spot, he tends to stay put. This critter is still in the dying dead nettle flower that I found him in. As soon as I post this, I'll take him out to the nettle patch and set him free.
UPDATE: I've been asked, on Facebook, how I know he's male. I don't. When I don't know, I randomly pick a sex, because I don't like calling critters with a mind of their own (no matter how feeble) an "it".
A female sowbug may have brood sacs at the base of some of her legs, seen when she's belly-up. I don't think I see any in the photo above.
And the first two pleopods of the five on the pleon (that triangular covering at the tail) of a male are elongated. In the photo, only the last three are visible.
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