Monday, April 26, 2010

Just a bit of fluff.

I found these egg cases on a frond of feathery seaweed from Centennial Beach;

I was going to anchor the weed in my aquarium, without paying it much attention; it was just a tiny bit of fluff to serve as a hiding spot for amphipods. Then the light caught these yellowish jelly beads, a couple of millimetres long.

Here's one, propped against a light; ten eggs in a round case with an exit hole at the top. If you look closely, you can see horizontal grooves in the casing.

I don't know what lays these; possibly a snail, but which, I have no idea. If they hatch in my aquarium, I might find out. That's if the hermits and anemones don't eat the babies first.


  1. Anonymous7:04 am

    What a good eye you have to notice these! To me they look somewhat like oval shaped pearls.

    I hope you find out what they are! That would be fascinating!

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. There's a molluscan vibe about them. I look forward to finding out about the hatchlings when they make an appearance.

  3. Snail, I've separated the seaweed into a jar by itself, so that I can see the hatchlings without the rest of the tank residents snacking on them first. I'll let you know if they show up.


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