Sunday, February 24, 2008

Blooms within blooms

"Let's go look for flowers in Beach Grove," Laurie says. Well, it's warmer down there, one block north of the US border; maybe it was time.

Crocuses, palest mauve and yellow.

Yes, it was.


miniature daffodils
Miniature daffodils

Primulas. The centers so bright the eye boggles.

Up close and personal:


tulip sprout
Tulip. Tips of the early leaves. About 2 inches high.

crocus and fly
A fly sips on crocus nectar.
Click on this, and notice the way the veins in the wings echo those in the crocus petals.

yellow crocus
Zooming down. Yellow crocus.

Closer: almost like another flower at the centre of this crocus.

blue crocus
Blue crocus, yellow stigma (the central fan things) and anthers (lower stalks, with pollen).

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what hope! Mine are buried under a lot of snow, yet.


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