Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Holding On

Boundary Bay beach, December 30th.

The sand, on the dunes above the water level, is always changing, moving, re-shaping itself. All that anchors it are the scruffy plants, barely a few straggling branches and tiny leaves, even in summer. Now in midwinter, they have become mere place-holders, waiting for spring and warmth.

Dead blades of dune grasses hug the ground, pulled to one side by wind and rain, but holding fast, roots still gripping their handful of sand, slowing its flow.

A hint of green, last gasp of fall blending into first growth of spring. The earth itself, like the dunes, moves on, turning now towards the sun.

Spring, 2007

Happy New Year! Un Prospero Año Nuevo!


  1. I love your pics - you find beauty everywhere!

  2. Happy New Year, wanderin' weeta. Beautiful pics here, as always!


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