Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sorry, no post today...

... I've been reading the riot act to my computer all day. And saying uncomplimentary things about Bill Gates.

Somehow, my start menu got corrupted. And it's all his fault. I know that. Because I wouldn't delete the wrong thing by mistake, now would I? So there!

It's working now; all I have left to do is clean up the greasy rags and put away the pipe wrench.

See you tomorrow!


  1. That's why I went to an iMac ... D is seriously considering a Mac Pro Notebook ... his big thing is his work ... some of his work applications only work in Windows but they say you can put windows on Mac and compartmentalize it off to the side ... so it doesn't affect Mac stuff! I love my Mac. Something to consider even if it is pricier. A bit of a learning curve at first, especially if you have used Windows type applications for years.

  2. I guess you showed that nasty computer who's boss.

  3. You know, sometimes the hard copy is so much easier to work with, just like those card catalogs that used to be in libraries--I used to find amazing stuff while filing those endless cards. Good luck!!

  4. Thanks for the good wishes, Wyld; I still need them. The problem that got me started is still with me. But at least the durn thing runs faster again.

    Yes, Jean, I am the boss. As long as I don't turn my back. :)

    Cis; I used DOS long before Windows came out, so I am not stuck with Bill Gates. I am thinking of a move to Linux or Ubuntu soon.

    I tried a Mac, years ago; it didn't seem much different than the machine I was using at the time, which I had steamlined from the Windows mess that came with the computer.

    These days, computers are trickier to tweak to my liking; the Windows programmers are dreadfully untidy!


I'm having to moderate all comments because Blogger seems to have a problem notifying me. Sorry about that. I will review them several times daily, though, until this issue is fixed.

Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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