Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Looking for 'shrooms in the Watershed

Watershed Park, Delta.

The fall rains have come. It is mushroom season.

So the first semi-dry day, we went to the Watershed to find some.

Semi-dry, did I say? In the Watershed, nothing was dry. And it was starting to rain again.


Good mushroom country.

Here's one!
(And that's a raindrop on my lens.)

But the slugs beat us to them.

Hi, there! Welcome to my park!


Not a chewed apple. A chewed mushroom.

Slugs and rain notwithstanding, we did find some good mushrooms. And we got wet and dirty and tired; always a good recipe for fun.

The 'shrooms, next post.

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos of the trail you were on. I'd like to be there today!

    Carolyn H.


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