Friday, October 26, 2007

Embarrassment of Riches

We got Laurie's photos from the other day's jaunt yesterday. Three whole rolls of film. And they are good ones; too many really good ones; it was almost impossible to narrow them down for posting here.

Tomorrow they go to London Drugs for scanning to the web. Maybe as early as tomorrow night (depending on LD's schedules), they will be ready to post.

In the meantime, I will tell you what happened, and post a few samples from my digital.

We were trying to find the shorter steps down to the Kwomais Point area that the deli owner had told us about. Following her tentative, maybe-laden instructions, we drove as far south as the roads would take us, around the curve onto a residential street that soon ends in a cul-de-sac, watching the seaward side closely for a hint of a trail. Not here, not here, not here, not here...

We backtracked. At the extreme point, the map showed a green space, maybe a park. We checked out both ends, and finally stopped where there seemed to be a gate of some kind.

No-one sits here any more.

It was a park; Kwomais Park, with a sign: Temporarily Closed to the Public. Chained and padlocked. We parked anyhow, and skirted it, toward the cliff face. No way down, unless you didn't mind being scooped up in pieces at the bottom.

As close as we got to the water.

Still, we were out of the car; we walked around the block for a look-see. And Laurie used up the afore-mentioned 3 rolls of film.

The street had a "feel" of stopped time. An aroma of leaf-mold, of damp wood. An end-of-the-year sleepiness. In the distance, we could hear sounds of traffic, but close at hand, just the murmuring of the trees, the rustle of their leaves underfoot.

Shady porch

A hint of yellow leaves

The makings of winter ground protection

Fading hydrangea

Red leaves far overhead

Red apple

Watch your feet!

Deep shade

When Laurie changed film for the third time, we headed back to the deli.* Where we were made much of by the owner, fed, watered, and given more oh-so-vague instructions as to the whereabouts of those steps. We'll try to find them next time.

For now, we were well satisfied.

*Salt Cellar Delicatessen, Ocean Park Mall, 128th St & 16th Ave, Surrey. Drop in sometime, if you're in the area; good food, great service, "interesting" directions.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, very well written post - Ifelt as if I were there with you. I could even smell the leaf mold.
    Maybe someday I'll get out and do that walk.
    As usual, your pics are great - and very nostalgic for me.


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