Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Trees down the street

In the Safeway parking lot: maples changing colour, dancing in the wind.

Down the block and around the corner: more like a bouquet than a tree.

Tim Horton's parking lot: some variety of maple? The trunk peels like an arbutus.

Down a bicycle passageway or two: Big Cone pine. Laurie brought me two cones that had fallen to the ground. They are around 10 inches long, 6+ inches wide.

A bit farther afield: Tsawwassen front yard, and a droopy short tree.


  1. The mystery tree looks like Paperbark maple, Acer griseum (guess from leafing through - pun intended - G. B. Straley's Trees of Vancouver). Great discovery.

    Then, thanks to Google:


  2. Thanks, Hugh. That's it.

    And the multicoloured "bouquet" is a young smoke tree.


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