Monday, June 18, 2007

Morning visitor

Found wanting out this morning:
A crane fly, Tipulidae, species unknown, male. (The females are thicker through the abdomen and have a pointy end for laying eggs underground; the males have assorted "grapplers" at the end of the tail. At least that's what they look like to me.

Instead of a second pair of wings, these flies have a pair of halteres, or knobs on short sticks, which help with steering in flight.

And no, they don't bite. I used to think of them as giant mosquitoes, and was slightly afraid of them. But they rarely eat at all as adults, and then only a bit of nectar. This guy was quite tame, and sat quietly unless I brought the camera too close; then he would shiver all over and squirm delicately an inch or so off to the side.
I love the sheen on those wings!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:09 am

    Great photos, Susannah.

    And thank you, for sharing that you once thought they were oversized mosquitoes. So did I, and I'm happy to know I'm not alone in that.


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