Sunday, June 10, 2007

Ancient lumber, much weathered.

These are the last of our photos from Finn Slough. Until we go back for the next visit, at least.

Welcoming sign.

Texture and pattern on the old boardwalk.

Cedar shakes on old roofs.

A workshop, possibly still in use, at least for puttering around.

Newer wood, on a garbage and recycling shelter, enhanced by found materials. That's a softball in the V of the support.

A welcoming gate; made to stay open. Old, hand-milled boards.


  1. Anonymous1:44 pm

    What beautiful photographs of old wood. Wood can be marvelously sensuous: the smell of it in warm sun; the feel of it, both live and dead; the colors and patterns. A very nice photo essay indeed!

    It's outrageous that a developer would buy land where people have lived for generations. It's the Clearances all over again.


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