Add to that the Technorati search; another 700. And 1850 Google images.
But I am nothing if not persistent. (Or an experienced procrastinator; after all, I am supposed to be paying bills, not looking at pretty pictures.) And I have found some beautiful sites and photos. Here are a selection of (some of) the best.
Photos: a 55-photo Flickr set, by Myrioama. I especially liked this one.
Stephen Sharnoff. Just a few, but beautiful.
An amazing pink jelly.
Mycoweb. Go back to the main page for more Slime photos.
Blog posts: Lynne discovers orange jelly slime for the first time.
And the other end of the spectrum: The Beauty of Slime from Science Musings. Chet writes, "...with Whitmanesque gush, I sing their praises." Well-written and a good over-all description of their life-cycle.
An article by Hugh Griffith from E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Plants of British Columbia, about "intelligent slime" ("More amazing, if chopped into pieces that are then returned to a previous maze, the plasmodial bits will reassemble and start to move, avoiding dead ends and heading directly back to the food again.") and its weather prognostication talents.
And more intelligent slime: a slime mold drives a robot. From New Scientist.
And, of course, Wikipedia. Basic info, photos, and this drawing from Ernst Haeckel.

Thank you for the orange jelly slime identification!! WOW- You know your slime molds! Thanks also for the link. You have a really cool blog here and I've bookmarked it to come back and learn more. I am grateful for this blogging community full of folks willing to share what they see and hear. Yours is a very nice place!