The third leg of the journey was by car. We drove up Vancouver Island, from Nanaimo to Port Hardy. A long, hot day, with a deadline at the end; a ferry to catch. We didn't waste much time.
We did stop, however briefly, at a rest stop:
The driftwood surrounds Corry Lunn's shop and garden. She is "a clay sculptor and copper enamel artist. ... Her work incorporates driftwood, slumped glass, found treasures, within her clay and enamel wall pieces." (From her site.) (Joint site with Darrel Nygaard) More glass and found treasures blend with the tangled roots and stumps around the garden, which includes a marvellous table made of one thick, golden, freeform slab.
Corry was very welcoming, encouraging us to loiter in the backyard as long as we wanted. Eventually, though, we drifted into the shop, and remained, Oooohing and Aaaahing. Laurie bought a Raku plate for the wall and a ceramic starfish that I took a fancy to. We stashed them carefully in the trunk and regretfully took our leave.
North again. Another beach:
From far, far away, he has walked, a weary way, steadfast through rain and mist; now he faces a long valley, and at the end, the sea, where he can rest and bathe his blistered feet. Where he comes from, nobody knows; nor can they tell what message he brings. He is the Walker.Photo taken from the now lost "Queen of the North".
Next post: Port Hardy to Bella Coola, by ferry. And a good, clear photo of the sasquatch.
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