Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Dedicated mommy

I am getting ready to paint an old catch-all table that's been sitting by my door for years. I turned it upside-down to sand the legs, and found this mamma spider guarding her big batch of egg sacs.

Isn't she pretty?

And here she explores this suddenly inverted landscape.

I was careful not to disturb her babies, and once I set the table upright, she went back to her place, guarding them. Even while I sanded the table, (skipping the underside) she held on. Mothers have obligations.

UPDATE: I finished painting the table. With the final coat of paint done, after sanding and re-sanding (lots of vibration) and tipping and turning the table, and filling her space with paint fumes, I flipped the table on its side to see how she was doing. (I had avoided painting her nursery.) And she's still there, patiently holding her ground. We're going to have a good, spidery summer!
Estoy preparando una mesa para pintarla. La mesa desde hace años ha estado fuera de mi puerta, donde pongo lo que traigo en las manos mientras abro la puerta. La volteé, patas arriba, para pulirla antes de pintar, y descubrí esta arañita abajo, cuidando sus bolsas de huevitos.

Fotos: La araña, donde la encontré, y luego explorando. ¿Verdad que es bonita?

Tuve cuidado de no tocar sus hijitos, y una vez puesta la mesa de pie otra vez, la mamá regresó a su sitio para guardarlos. Hasta mientras yo pulía la mesa, (pero no el lado inferior) ella se quedaba sin moverse. Las mamás cumplen sus obligaciones.

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