Sunday, July 29, 2018

Pumpkin moon

The lunar eclipse last Friday was not visible from here on Vancouver Island, but we got treated to a full orange moon and its pathway over the water last night.

10:20 PM. The path extends from the weeds (barely visible) along the shore to the horizon.

They call it a "blood moon", but from here, it's orange. Orange blood? Didn't sound right. I looked up other common names for this moon.

The Full Moon for the month of July is called Buck Moon to signify the new antlers that emerge on deer buck's foreheads around this time. This Full Moon is also known as Thunder Moon, Wort Moon, and Hay Moon from Old English/Anglo-Saxon. (

That orange is a pumpkin-y colour; it's too early for pumpkins, but I'm naming it a pumpkin moon, anyway.

Seen on the way home from a party: luckily my passenger didn't mind waiting while I propped the camera on the back of the car and tried to focus.


  1. Anonymous9:24 am

    Beautiful photo. Love the color of that pumpkin moon. It's been very foggy and cloudy here so we haven't seen any sun, moon, clouds, or optics for a while. Best part of the internet is a vicarious view of such beauty. (PS-- I haven't heard back from Les yet about that rainbow ripple. I'll keep you posted as soon as I hear anything.)

  2. Love this! And I picked my first pumpkin yesterday!


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