Thursday, September 16, 2010

Are you on my blogroll?

I've been updating my blogroll on the sidebar, and it took far longer than I expected, so the planned post will wait until tomorrow.

Meanwhile, would you check over the blogroll (It's set to show the most recent 25 posts; click "See All" at the bottom for the rest), to see if your blog is there, if the link goes to the right place, and if the name is still correct. I may have inadvertently deleted some that I should have kept; if you think your blog should be there, please leave the link in a comment, and I'll add you.

Random photo; Grasshopper (gravel hopper?) at the Serpentine River.


  1. Are you doing this because Bloglines is leaving us high and dry? I wasn't sure what to use!

  2. You beat me to this.. I.need to update my blogroll...and don't want to miss anyone.. I see I am on yours.
    Wanted to do the rock flipping this year but things got in the way of fun:(

  3. Anonymous7:54 am

    I'm still there...Yaaayyyyyy!

    Now I'll go check my my blogroll...

  4. A Powell River Photo Blog

    I have you on mine, would appreciate the same. Thanks!

  5. Never mind! You already have me! Duh!!

  6. Checked mine out and all seems fine. Thanks for the link. - Margy

  7. Anonymous9:39 am

    Please consider Nature Geek Northwest (
    I love what you do.

  8. Gah! What happened. I didn't mean to be anonymous.

  9. Fiona Cohen9:45 am

    Also, for a treat, you should check out my friend Connie's blog.

  10. Anonymous6:08 pm

    I'm not really even sure what a blogroll is ... I still get your posts on my reading list - even though I've been absent for a week or so. I just now caught up on some of my reading ... I loved your rock flipping post! Did you bring the rocks inside when you caught all of these critters? Cause I'm not sure I'd want those spiders running around the house ... LOL.

  11. Clytie, The blogroll is that list on the sidebar. (Scroll down past the block of followers' icons.) It is essentially a list of blogs that I read, like your readers' list. (Would that be GoogleReader? That's a blogroll.)

    It can be kept private or public; it can be on a separate site, or added to the sidebar of a blog, or all of the above.

    I read it on GoogleReader, usually; I can see the entire post there. And I have a few blogs there that are kept "private"; family blogs, medical blogs, etc.

    But I've also added it to my sidebar, so that others can enjoy what I've found interesting. I have it set so that it refreshes to keep recent posts at the top, and shows the title and a snippet of the post. Other settings are possible.

    A couple of your blogs are there. Scroll down until you find them.

    About the rocks and spiders; yes, they were in the house. However, they were tiny, and I piled the rocks, as I removed them from the bowl, on a big white plastic tray; the spiders found that inhospitable and kept to shelter around the rocks. When I replaced the rocks, no critters stayed behind.

  12. Eileen; I used Bloglines long ago, but found it inconsistent, so moved to Google Reader.

    But the recent announcement about Bloglines reminded me that periodic maintenance on my sidebar was long overdue.

  13. Hi S.

    Looks like I'm on there - I've got you on my list. Thanks!

    Sorry I missed IRF Day this year. The timing wasn't great as I had prior commitments. Maybe I'll flip a rock this Sunday and post it late!


  14. Dave, Late is fine. I'll be on the lookout for your post.


I'm having to moderate all comments because Blogger seems to have a problem notifying me. Sorry about that. I will review them several times daily, though, until this issue is fixed.

Also, I have word verification on, because I found out that not only do I get spam without it, but it gets passed on to anyone commenting in that thread. Not cool!

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