Saturday, February 16, 2008

Feels like home

More gleanings from our stored photos; these were from a few summers ago.

Laurie, out biking, takes a break in a park, and discovers a runaway. (Should that be "flyaway"?)


A parakeet?

Yes, a parakeet. Who has seen something interesting, himself.

Ahhh! Bars! Home away from home! But where's the food dish?

He's hand-trained, too.

Laurie delivered him to a resident of the area; they were last seen going door-to-door looking for the budgie's caregivers. Because no matter how much he loves his freedom, he'll hate the BC winter.


  1. So beautiful a little one - I love the trust.

  2. Anonymous11:26 pm

    SO cute! The owner is lucky to have been reunited with the pet parakeet that survived in the outdoors- Very easily a hawk or other bird that does predation (predator) could have eaten the small home-wise-only bird! btw my gnMail sn is swtpete if u want to write me back

  3. Hi, Swtpete! Yes, a hawk would have made a nice supper out of him. I hope they found his home; if not, I'm sure someone would provide a substitute.


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