But I can remember, and wish. Can't I?
In July of 2005, we spent a week in Bella Coola. We drove across the Lower Mainland to Horseshoe Bay, took the ferry to Nanaimo, and drove north to the tip of Vancouver Island. Spent the night in Port Hardy, and caught an early-morning ferry to Bella Coola, an all-day trip.
I had promised Laurie great weather, "It's always hot in the summer in Bella Coola," I swore. And the trip up was warm and sunny. When we disembarked, it was starting to rain. And it rained, and poured, and stormed for the entire week, including the ferry trip back.
Still, we had a few hours of in-between-downpours.
I'd like to share some of our photos from the trip with you.
Next post: open water, seabirds and a Sasquatch.
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